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Saturday, June 6, 2020


1- They're the World's Largest Land Animal

The African Elephant is the world's largest mammal with males on average measuring up to 3m high and weighing up to 6 tonnes.

Males only reach their full size at 35-40 years that's well over half their lifespan as wild elephants can live for up to 60-70 years.

And it's not just the adults- even calves are huge. At birth elephants can weigh 120kg that's almost 19 stone.

2- You Can Tell The Two Species Apart by Their Ears

There are two species of elephant: African and Asian.
The Ears of African Elephants are much larger than their cousins and are described as being shaped like the African continent, Whereas the ears of Asian Elephants are shaped like the Indian Subcontinent. 

There's also a trunk difference- African elephants and have two fingers at the tip of their trunks, whereas Asian elephants have one.

3- Their Trunks Have Mad Skills

Elephants have around 150,000 muscle units in their trunk.

Their trunks are perhaps the most sensitive organ found in any mammal- Asian elephants have been seen to pick up a peanut, shell it, blow the shell out and eat the nut.

Elephant use their trunks to such up water to drink- It can contain up to 8 liters of water. They also use their trunks as a snorkel when Swimming. 

4- Their Tusks Are Actually Teeth

Elephants tusks are actually enlarged incisor teeth which first appear when elephant are around 2 years old. Tusks continue growing throughout their lives.

Tusks are used to help with feeding- prising bark off trees or digging up roots- or as a defense when fighting.

But these beautiful tusks often cause elephants danger. They're made from ivory ( a much desired object).

5- They've Got Thick Skin

An elephant skin is 2.5 cm thick in most places. The folds and wrinkles in their skin can retain up to 10 times more water flat skin does, which helps to cool them down.

They keep their skin clean and protect themselves from sunburn by taking regular dust and mud baths.

6- Elephant's Are Constantly Eating

Elephants need up to 150 kg of food per day- that's around 375 tins of baked beans although half of this may leave the body undigested.

They eat so much that they can spend up to three quarters of their day eating.

7- They Communicate Through Vibrations

Elephants communicate in a variety of ways- including sounds like trumpet calls (some sounds are too low for people to hear), body language, touch and scent. They can also communicate through seismic signals- sounds that create vibrations in the ground- which they may detect through their bones.

8- Calves Can Stand Within 20 Minutes Of Birth

Amazingly, Elephant calves are able to stand within 20 minutes of being born and can walk within 1 hour. After two days, they can keep up with the herd.

This incredible survival technique means that herds of elephants can keep migrating to find food and water to thrive.

9- An Elephant Never Forgets

The elephant's temporal lobe (the area of the brain associated with memory) is larger and denser than that of people- hence the saying- "elephants never forget".

10- More African Elephants Are Being Poached That Are Being Born

Around 55 African elephants a day are being killed their ivory tusks. This means more African Elephants are now being poached that are being born.

Asian elephants are also under threat, having decline by at least 50% in the last three generations. they're coming often dangerous contact with people.

5 Interesting Facts about 5G that you didn't Know Yet

5G Marks the fifth technological revolution set to shake up the world of the internet. This Latest wave will multiply the speed and capacity of the network up to previously unimaginable levels that will enhance the development of not only a digital society, but also all the technologies that comprise it, such as artificial intelligence and big data. Although 5G may appear to be a simple evolution of 4G, as the CIO of Mobile World Capital Barcelona Edmuard Martin explains, that is really not the case. This technology is far more complex than it seems and to understand it better, Here are Some 5 Interesting Facts that you should know:

1- Multi-million Dollar Industry

While it is no secret, we should remember that, when we discuss mobile technology, we are talking about one of the industries with the fastest economic growth in the world, In short, 5G is set to generate around 113 Billion euros a year and it is expected to create over 2.3 Million new jobs around the world. The Development in infrastructure and technology, as well as all the new fields facilitated by the implementation of 5G, paves the way for a new multi-million dollar industry that will lead the future.

2- Smart Network

The 5G network differs from its predecessors in its capacity to adapt to the needs and configurations that prevail and given time. It is not a static network, but rather dynamic and smart, combining computing and telecommunications. It has the power to take the lead in tackling the great challenges of the modern world.
Offering a broader channel for traffic, made up of large and small antennas, the 5G network will enable the development of macro data, but will also take advantage of it to optimize and improve itself constantly.

3- European Action Plan

The implementation of the 5G network is not as easy as it may seem. With this in Mind, The European action plan has been developed. Since 2016, this plan has been the roadmap used for the development of this technology across the continent. Agreed by the majority of European Countries, the plan includes measures ranging from preliminary trials and studies into frequency bands right through to the development and the confirmation of the viability of the standards for using 5G. Everywhere is Europe should have a 5G connection by 2025.

4- Business Revolution

As Eduard Martin emphasized, technology is influencing business as well as the configuration of companies. Therefore the 5G network is expected to have a big impact on digital services and how these services are configured and provided. Moreover as mentioned earlier the 5G network will facilitate the use and evolution of technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence , robotics and the internet of things a great deal. As a result we will see exponential growth in these fields.

5- The 5G network around the World

The 5G network has not progressed at an even rate throughout the world. Some countries are leading the race while others are lagging behind. As expected, the leaders include china and the United States. However The Country that currently has the best 5G connection is South Korea. Spain and Europe are some way behind the big technological powers, but great progress has been made in recent years.

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